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Life Under the Three Moons
- Michael
Michael found the Gor series during a
naval deployment to the Mediterranean Sea in 1973. The
first book he read was Captive of Gor (Book 7). Michael
lives in the Phoenix, Arizona area with his kajira Mika
and their children. Gorean tradition, customs and ritual
are followed in the house as much as the law and having
children allow. [continued]
a Dom's Perspective
- Dennis Burns
Dennis is Dungeon Master and DM trainer
for APEX (Arizona Power Exchange). Dungeon Master from
1998-2001, board member from 1999-2000 and served as
a Co-President for APEX for 2000. He is also the founder
and currently co-facilitator of the Dom Roundtable,
a group for dominants only, to discuss issues that deal
with our life. [continued]
Trubled Times
you're having a "bitatruble"
- Celeste aka BitaTruble
I have always had an interest in BDSM,
since I was a very young child but didn't have my first
r/t session until July 3, 1982. I knocked on the
Dom's door at 4:50 and didn't go home until after 1
AM in the morning. I think it's obvious it made
an impression on me. That first session hooked me r/t
on BDSM and I've been steeped in the leather vats ever
since. [continued]
- Miss Ayme
Miss Ayme is a MTF Transsexual who's
lived and worked successfully as a woman for over 10
years. Currently residing in the Bay Area, California
with her domestic associate, Chloe (a pure-bred Manx),
she is the Editor of TGSF's (TransGender San Francisco)
monthly newsletter, The Channel. After six years as
a submissive (3 of them in a LTR D/s relationship),
recent years have been devoted to expressing her Top
space - derived from what she calls her "residual
male programming." [continued]
a slave for?
a male submissive's point of view
- semanticus
have come to believe that I am quite a bit the vanilla
guy in addition to being a masochist. I have been submissive
in sex all my life, and that is a defining part of me,
not to be denied, pervasive, intense. But I have the
same troubles as all men. Relationship problems, family
problems, business problems, but they are not due to
my sexuality, as I once feared. My masochism is a life
enhancing part of me. Married to Mistress Cherie after
a long search for Her, we are now 24/7, which works
better for us than the bedroom M/s play we tried in
the beginning. [continued]
feel free to post the URL of Dom-sub Lifestyle
on newsgroups and listservs you belong to!
Ask the Mistress ?
dear Lotus Song has decided to take a break from the public
eye. We are now interviewing for a Domme/Mistress to assume
this column. If you are interested in participating as a columnist,
please contact the Editor!
Thank You!
A very special
thank you to
devious Sensualitys
for their donation of DreamWeaver to aid in the
publication of Dom-sub Lifestyle!
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