This month we're going to meander down the aisles of a few different types of stores and see what we can find. Think about what you're looking at...let your mind wander through the possibilities. Some of them are easy to figure out what to use them for...others a little harder. Think about what you would do with each item. Each one has been used during one of our scenes.
fake rose stem complete with thorns (on clearance $.75) chain flogger makings (I'll show you how to make this next month) braided thingie (I forget what material this is made from but it's nice and scratchy and very thuddy...around $5.00) plaster wrapping (I forget how much this was but it wasn't much) straw broom (under $5.00)
lawn watering tubing $.17 wood glue (under $5.00) mouse and rat traps (YOUCH!!!! under $5.00) twist ties ($.25 on clearance) plastic drop cloth and table cloth ($.99 ea)
plastic jump rope (Under $2.00) back scratcher (around a dollar) boat paddle (around $10.00)