Cléo Dubois
Cleo Dubois is a renowned BDSM educator, personal trainer in the kinky arts, Domina, ritualist, and BDSM educational/ play video maker. Having begun exploring the SM frontiers in the San Francisco Leather Community in the early 80's, she sees fantasy/mind/body explorations as powerful venues for intimacy, erotic fulfillment and self-discovery. Her Academy of SM Arts, created in 1995, teaches bondage and Her Academy of SM Arts, created in 1995, teaches bondage and SM to couples, Dominants, and switches both privately and in regularly held seminars. Her first documentary film, The Pain Game, toured alternative film festivals nationwide and abroad after popular screenings at the San Francisco Frameline Film Festival 2001, LadyFest 2002, the 2nd Annual N.Y. S/M Film Festival and Festival de l'Etrange in Paris. It received an award from the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality. Her second video (2002), Tie me Up!, has gotten enthusiastic reviews in Skin Two, On Our Backs, Blowfish and elsewhere. Both are being noted for their authenticity and capture of the energy, spirituality and joy of SM. She has been published in Different Loving, Random House 1993; Bitch Goddess by Pat Califia, Greenery Press 1997; Sex Tips and Tales from Women Who Dare by Jo-Ann Baker, Hunterhouse 2001. She is also a contributor to alternative publications like Skin Two and On Our Backs. Her Academy of SM Arts with Sybil Holiday, will offer in January 2003, "The Erotic Dominance workshop for Women", a 3 Day BDSM Intensive. Her motto is : "I believe in the Magic of S/M". Visit her website at |