my way down stairs I open the door to greet whomever has rang
the bell. As I gaze forward there seems to no one there. I look
down to see her -- kneeling there her face low to the ground.
I know her, I recognized her beautiful long golden hair and
the perfect shape of a woman. Standing there for a moment I
want to sweep her up and give her a warm loving welcome. In
that same moment my heart fills with rage as I feel the shooting
pains she delivered to me the day she disappeared several months
previous. I stare down at her and my eyes fill with tears. I
muster a quiet unemotional voice, "stay there, don’t move."
Returning into the house I summon Lori, a house slave to come
down stairs. "Lori I will need your cooperation and complete
silence in providing me with a nurse." Her look was one
of worry and she gazed directly in my eyes with out shame. "Not
for me", I said, "for your sister who is at the door.
Go to the patio and wait for me there. Take some antiseptic
and towels with you. Silence now and cooperation I demand. Go."
Not a sound or a word from her and as she realized her boldness
her gaze dropped quickly down
ceasing her eye contact with me. She scurries with the steps
she learned from studying the Gorean slave girls.
I prepared the patio for the girl's return my mind wandered
from anger to the joy of having her here again. I will hear
her voice in the halls and rooms of this house and see her figure
as she lives here once more. Or will she? Fury over takes as
I remember endless nights wondering where she disappeared to
and why she would just go without discussion. I question my
strength as a master, obviously I trained her poorly. A slave
would not just depart to chase her own ambitions, she would
seek guidance and support from her master. And now, she waits
at my door. My heart weary from what I must do, how I must teach
her and have her prove her devotion and submission. Without
her enduring the pain and punishment I plan for her I cannot
accept her back.
arrives and it is apparent by her actions and the paleness of
her face that she is stunned to find the patio as I have prepared
it. A single chair at the far end of the patio. A path to the
chair lined on either side with 5 cases of champagne and 2 cases
of crystal champagne glasses. Boxes of new china serving dishes
and glass wears made for a fine ball and dinner celebration.
The path is some 20 feet long and in a straight line to the
chair. I look at Lori and point to a table for her to place
the first aide
supplies she has prepared. She sets them down and moves very
cautiously as she senses the anger in my manner. I speak to
her gruffly, "Now Lori - go fetch the bitch who waits at
my door, strip her naked and bring her to this pathway. Go now!"
Lori scurries off though slower than her usual pace. She must
wonder what will unfold this day. Never has she seen me angry
or cruel. Her mind races wondering what will unfold.
Lori opens the door to find her sister kneeling there weeping,
her heart jumps with joy. "Vicky" she gasps, "my
wonderful sis oh how we have missed you." She kneels beside
Vicky and helps her to stand. They embrace and weep softly together.
Lori speaks softly, "Master has a return planned for you
though I fear it will not be pleasant. I have never seen him
angry or cross,
but today - right now -- I don’t know who he is. If you don’t
plan to stay or if you are not returning home then I bid you
farewell now sis." Vicky’s eyes still filled with tears
and her cheeks drenched from crying all the while she waited
at the door speaks as best she can from her grief swollen throat,
"I wish only to have my Master take me back and to pay
for my stupidity. I want to prove myself worthy of His care
and your love Lori." Lori nods in acceptance, "You
know I love you hun and if you want His love back you will suffer
to prove your submission. You must do as I say and follow your
heart. If you have any doubt your mind will betray you and the
trial you shall surely fail and terribly. So strip now and think
about the decision you make." Lori’s mind is purely submissive
and she has learned the ways of blending the heart and soul
to making them pure and in harmony. Her loving
advice to Vicky is strict and certain. Vicky removes her full-length
dress and reveals no under garments. Lori reaches out and removes
the collar from Vicky’s neck. Vicky is startled at first but
realizes that she no longer is privileged to wear my collar.
wait for several minutes and the waiting fuels my anger. Finally
they appear at the doorway. Lori steps away from her and with
her eyes lowered says, "Master your slave returns."
Vicky takes a step forward then drops to her knees, face to
the cement arms held behind her back crossed at the wrists with
palms up. The slave position for submitting to being bound.
"Rise" I almost yell it with the anger in me having
its first chance to release. She stands her eyes never glancing
up. She has been well trained in the ways of Gor, never to look
upon a Master until given permission. "Look at these boxes
of Champaign, glass wear and fine china" I demand. Her
eyes look down the lined path at the boxes. I spoke harshly
watching her gaze "I bought these in preparation for our
ceremony. The collaring we agreed to and planned for. Lori and
I have lived in pain and heart sick wondering why you would
cheat us of the union." Her eyes began to tear.
walk to the boxes of champagne and tare each of them open. Lifting
a bottle out I removed the foil, wire, and pop the cork out.
As the bubbling liquid comes over the top I drink a bit of the
foam. I hold the bottle out leaving it a foot or so in front
of her. She starts to smile, her hand carefully begins to rise
as to take the bottle from me. At that precise moment I let
the bottle drop to the cement. It explodes in a large shatter
and she jumps at the startle of the event. I see out of the
corner of my eye that Lori also jumped and as I turn to see
her full on I notice her tear covered cheeks. Turning back to
Vicky I lift each box of champagne and dump the contents out
on the cement patio. The sounds of bottles shattering fill the
air for several moments. I move farther down the trail of boxes
and open the china boxes. I lift a serving platter of pure white
bone china. An ornate design around the periphery of the platter.
"This" I say looking back at Vicky, "was to serve
the guests we had invited to help us celebrate, and these dishes
would have been used for their enjoyment of the feast we had
all planned." I dumped the boxes out onto the cement and
again the air filled with the sounds of breaking glass almost
deafening. I move to the last four boxes that line the trail
the lone chair. I open the boxes of crystal champagne glasses
and remove two from the first container. I take one and place
it on the seat of the chair then
turning quickly to her I hold the glass out in front of me.
I speak softer than before, "And these would have been
used to toast our union and the commitment we three made to
be together." I let the glass fall and watch the crystal
shatter as it strikes the cement. Then I dump each box of the
crystal out and once again the sound of breaking glass is all
the three of us can hear.
take the lone champagne glass from the seat of the chair and
then sit on the chair. My eyes look over the broken glass covering
the patio. The crystal closest to me is shattered in very small
razor sharp pieces, the china in larger more course broken chunks,
and the champagne bottles are a mixture of large and small pieces
of thick glass wet from the champagne that once was
held inside. At the other end of the trail from where I sit
is Vicky, still standing. Her eyes looking down her naked body
obviously trembles. I speak roughly to her. "On your knees
scourge bitch." She obeys without hesitation. I continue,
"You cut me deeply and I bleed when you left here. For
months now my heart and soul bleed with worry and despair over
you and not knowing where you are or why you left. Now you return
to my door?!. To come back to me?! I laugh at the thought of
your humble entry and the submission of you now naked and bowing
before me. You disgust me with your presence and the lack of
respect you brought to this home. Crawl to me you filth. Crawl
to me across the glass so you will prove to me your return is
true. The scars on your
hands and knees from the cuts of the glass will be as permanent
as your stay must be. Never will you observe yourself in the
mirror and see the perfect legs you now have. You will bleed
for me as I and Lori have bled for you. Crawl whore. Crawl to
me if you come to stay and if not, then leave here to never
raised her head. A look of disbelief in her eyes and just as
quickly regained her composure to look down. She then looked
ahead of her at the broken glass. Her hand raised from its place
on the cement as she moved it slowly forward. Placing it down
a foot or more ahead of her she shifted her weight onto it and
lifted and moved the other hand simultaneously her knee moved
forward. The glass gave way under her second hand as could be
heard by the muffled sound of breaking. Her shoulders tightened
and revealed the first of many winces of pain for her to come.
Not showing any signs of stopping she continued forward. The
blood was revealed as she raised her hand to move it steadily
forward. Lori gasped as Vicky’s right knee landed on a large
piece of broken bottle and the glass sliced into her skin as
she lowered her weight onto it. I gave a stern look to Lori
to remind her to remain silent. Vicky stopped her movement.
"Cunt bitch is not sincere" I coldly stated. She began
moving toward me again leaving a bright red trail of blood behind
her. As she came forward on hand and knee her fingers, palms,
knees and toes all were being cut and stabbed by the large and
small pieces of broken glass. She never hesitated after her
first pause, and she never made a sound. Her back and legs covered
with sweat and perspiration, tears dripped from her face. Her
hands would no longer support her and her knees also soon fail
and she continues forward on her chest and belly. The glass
penetrates her skin and blood flows over the cement patio. Finally
reaching the foot of the chair she stopped. Forcing her self
to kneeling before me bleeding heavily she cautiously turned
her palms upward submitting herself to me.
lowered the lone saved champagne flute to the cement floor and
sat it before her. "This is what you have earned for this
display of apology" I said quietly. Then I stood looked
at her soft figure once more and walked away from her. As I
passed Lori my hand found her shoulder "care for her wounds."
I said, "Clean her up, stitch her cuts, and place her in
the rear bedroom upstairs. Care for her there." Without
hesitation Lori rushed to Vicky and began to care for her. I
left and went to my study to think.
days pass before I visit Vicky in her bed. She is still unable
to walk and weak from loss of blood and trauma. She gathers
what strength she has as I enter the room. Turning her face
away from me she mutters, "greetings master." "Turn
over" I say directly. She rolls onto her stomach placing
her forehead on her torn and bandaged hands. I pull the blanket
off of her and
look at her naked back. My eyes gaze down to her soft white
ass and I reach out to touch her ass cheeks. She moans softly.
I walk over and take a leather paddle from the wall. Then I
speak to her softly, "You can leave here anytime slut.
If you stay I will make you prove your devotion each time I
come to see you." "I am yours to keep and do with
what ever you desire master" she says calmly. I raise the
paddle without warning and slap it hard onto her ass. She jumps
and a shriek leaves her lips. She quickly answers the sting
"Yes my master please another sir." I swat her ass
harder and each time she utters the statement "please master
another." After several minutes her ass red, bruising and
burning hot I toss the paddle on her back and turn to leave.
I say to her as I exit, passing Lori who has been standing in
the doorway for sometime now, "Leave here Vicky you don’t
deserve this home."
more times I visit her room. Waiting two days between each visit.
As I enter the room each time she instantly rolls onto her stomach.
Placing one of her hands behind her back, the hand holds a paddle
for me. I deliver her reward soundly leaving her ass red, more
bruised and hot with each visit. Afterward I tell her to leave
my home and each time as I exit, I pass Lori who stands in the
hall waiting to comfort her sister after I depart. But she stays,
obeying her previous training and accepting my wrath. My heart
aches for the time when we were all united and the joy we all
shared. My anger still strong caused by her selfish decision
to disappear. The memories still too fresh of the days and nights
Lori and I spent weeping and worrying over the wench. How will
I end the anger and find the path to recover our hearts and