man once asked Mozart how to write a symphony. Mozart told him
to study at the conservatory for six or eight years, then apprentice
with a composer for four or five more years, then begin writing
a few sonatas, pieces for string quartets, piano concertos,
etc. and in another four or five years he would be ready to
try a full symphony. The man said, "But Mozart, didn't
your write a symphony at age eight?" Mozart replied, "Yes,
but I didn't have to ask how."
Arrogant? Perhaps, and it does seem at times it seems that some
people were just born in this lifestyle as it seems that others
have to struggle to "Master" These skills. I say this
because Dominance is a skill, as much a skill as a deft hand
with a flogger or singletail. Yes, we are born this way, inherently
"Dominant" or "Submissive" But in controlling
and harnessing these traits we have to start somewhere. Just
because we are Dominant in personality does not mean we know
how to use this trait within a relationship context. Most do
not. In fact most of us wish to change our roles within the
BDSM context. Most Submissives I know have very dominant personalities
when out in the vanilla world. But wish the release of offering
themselves, their skills and at times even control over their
very existence to one they feel deserves to be served.
who deserves such a gift? And what are the traits that a dominant
personality should have? How do you tell a dominant from a control
freak? or someone who is Using the "Ideal" of dominance
for their own selfish reward. First and foremost I believe learning
is the most important skill for a Dominant. Without it we fail
to be a "Good" Dominant. So what is a Good Dominant?
What follows is my opinion and in no way states that Mine is
the only or best path to follow, there are many differing opinions
out there and I suggest you seek them all. All I am placing
here is My personal Ideals crafted in over 22 years practicing
this lifestyle from the bottom up. I use the male pronoun as
I am MALE though a Dominant or Domme, Master Or Mistress is
male or female.
good traits in a Dominant? The question can only be answered
individually of course, by both Submissives and Dominants alike.
But here is my rendition of traits a Dominant should strive
to attain. The Dominant should be in control of himself first
and foremost, For to master others one must first master themselves.
a Dominant should be confident, caring, and understanding,
allowing ego to get in the way of learning, both about himself
and others, He should know how to love, as well as how to receive
love, And how to cherish the gift of submission given to him.
When a dominant meets a new submissive He is kind and guiding
without demanding ritual, he does not demand respect, he earns
it. He explores the mind first, learning a persons strengths
and weaknesses, He does not seek to seduce, but gets to know
the person first, building a relationship, slowly discovering
if there is to be one. If he is a good Dominant he does not
do this to gain another submissive, but only because he is able
to befriend someone, without the trappings of sexuality, He
is not a predator, but a teacher, willing to pass his knowledge
with little or no reward, Only that it be worth his time to
do so. a good dominant is usually rewarded with the pleasure
of knowing he can assist another, and the satisfaction of helping
someone define their own path.
the time comes when a person offers themselves to His service,
The Dominant is the first to question their decision, to ask
them to look into themselves and discover if He is what they
really want. At this stage He is the first to mention safety,
to volunteer References, and to tell him or her to seek more.
He supports safe calls and public meetings on this first step
as this protects both parties, safety is foremost in His mind
at this beginning. If He decides to take the submissive into
service, he is the first to mention negotiation, to offer his
own personal information, often risking his personal life in
the process. this is a danger to him also, but even with the
danger of his being "Outed" He realizes the danger
she could be placed in is often more extreme. that in the wrong
hands the gift of trust and submission can and has been abused.
He seeks to guide the submissive in protecting themselves. He
does not dismiss their worries, for he knows their risks are
all to real. He knows his safety also depends on honesty and
communication, He is at first only as protective of himself
he needs to need be, but open and Honest about his life, tastes,
what he expects, he knows that the submissive will be taking
a leap of faith, and is supportive of this first tentative step.
possess a persons body and soul he Knows he must first earn
their respect, to do this He must prove he is what he professes
to be. He must show that he is stable, knowledgeable and caring,
that he would push boundaries only to build strengths, that
in doing so he also respects those hard limits. That he is willing
to spend the time to learn a person first as a human being,
then as a submissive. He expresses that we are all equal in
our rights as human beings and only with the offer of this gift
of submission, freely given, is one to attain dominion over
another. He knows how wonderful this gift is that is offered,
and is willing to live up to the trust placed him. To this end,
He talks endlessly with his new charge, learning their secret
needs and desires, and in turn expressing his own, always ready
to affirm their worth, to him, and to themselves. Increasing
their confidence in self, and in the gift freely given, gently
pushing boundaries to show that The submissive can be more than
he or she feels they are, that they can go farther than they
ever thought possible, Slowly opening the flower of submission,
gently coaxing their passion for life and for him into full
a person lacks self esteem he shows respect and the evident
value and worth in a person, he shows that he finds them worthy
of his time. He shows he or she that they have beauty and great
value in his eyes, thus they are beautiful. He focuses on their
strengths, to show them of their own power. He softly explains
that the gift given is the most wonderful gift of all, the gift
of a persons self. He takes the time to learn the Soul of a
charge, before thinking of learning their body. As the Dominant
learns his new submissive, a connection takes place allowing
Him to sense their desires, needs and passions. With this new
knowledge, the Dominant is able to take his Submissive to new
heights of pleasure, to guide them and walk with them as together
they seek new levels of love and fulfillment. In taking a submissive
into his service the Dominant takes on many responsibilities.
He pledges to help guide a person in their path, not only in
the bedroom, but in life. He pledges to be there for them when
they need Him, to care for his charge, ease their pain when
depressed, comfort them when ill, assist them in overcoming
fears and worries, to hold and love when affection is needed
and to chastise when it is called for to do so. He does this
because it is an honor to do so, for this is his gift to a person
in return for their submission to him ... their gift given willingly,
his returned with joy.
seeks to understand their mind, to gaze into the soul, because
only then can the two become more than each can be as individuals.
The Submissive or slave is his most precious possession and
he strives to prove his love, and that he deserves this cherished
gift. Much the way they will, every day. The Dominant does not
seek to change His submissive into what he wants, but revels
in the chance to show them what they can become. He enjoys showing
his charge those strengths they already possess, and guides
only, helping them to grow into the person they wish to be.
Never molding a person into what he wants them to be. He coaxes
them into finding their own path. but never stating outright
what that path should be. Once found, He will keep a submissive
to their task, with a strong but gentle hand. deftly pushing
them to become the person He knows they can be.
there a profile of the perfect Dominant? I think not -- perfection
is something we all strive to obtain, but never reach. It is
that very struggle to find perfection that makes a good Dominant.
There is no one description of a good Dominant; just as beauty
is in the eye of the beholder, no viewpoint is wrong, merely
different. All that can be said is that a good Dominant should
have good qualities, that include strength, ability, confidence,
control, tolerance of others even if their views differ from
his own. He should cultivate the ability to learn and the presence
of mind to know that he can always learn more. He should be
loving, encouraging, honorable and chivalrous, he should respect
and cherish humanity and show the respect to others that he
himself wishes to be shown. The Dominant should be sure of himself,
but in that confidence not think that to build himself up he
must look down upon others. He should be sure of his ideals,
but not so sure that His way is the only path, his truth the
only truth. He is confident enough to allow others to follow
their own paths without derision, no matter how different, and
to see these differences without ridicule. If he witnesses a
wrong he seeks to right it, but without pressing the view that
his way is the only one, only expressing the danger he sees
in another's action or offering his assistance to help guide
them out of that danger.He knows the difference between punishment
and play, between pain and sensation. He knows the difference
between dominance and being a control freak, between S&M
and abuse. He never exerts his power in anger, He never brings
anger and hostility into a Scene. He does not use this lifestyle
to vent his anger, but leaves outside concerns outside, He knows
that to control others he must first master himself. He can
exercise his art to help his submissive become the person they
have always been, deep within their spirit. He takes this gift
of submission seriously, knowing that it is not given blindly
or lightly. He always remembers how precious the gift is, how
rare it is, how beautiful it is. For this person has given him
something that cannot be taken, but must be offered freely,
the gift of self, the gift of a persons mind, body and soul.
the Dominant should cherish that Gift as the rare jewel it is.
submissive should be firm in the choice of their submission.
offering themselves to the Dominant Honestly, freely, of their
own choosing. Never indecisive about how much they are willing
to let go that day but not the next. a person gives the gift
of submission in exchange for love, care, knowledge and protection.
But a submissive obeys because they choose to, not because they
can be forced to. True submission can never be taken because
it never reaches the heart when forced. A submissive comes to
the dominant a fully developed adult, but unsure of their role,
seeking His guidance, and quick learn what is expected of them.
With this learning, and as he opens Himself to his charge, a
submissive begins to give more of themselves, opening their
soul, their secrets, until all the two can share is learned,
building their relationship, sharing their secrets and souls,
so they may walk this path together. There is no power lost,
no control wrested from another to be used by the dominant,
but given willingly, the Dominant giving of himself until an
immense measure of trust is built between the two. The submissive
must trust their Dominant completely in order to give him so
much of themselves, and the Dominant must trust the submissive
also in order for him to accept the gift given him.
(just another word for teaching) is only the process of learning
what the Dominant desires. The submissive may learn when to
kneel, how to kneel, how to sit to please their Dominant, how
to address the Dominant, and so on. the submissive does these
things because they wish to, it is the desire to please the
Dominant in all ways possible that drives and fuels the Submissives
own desires to serve. Even the most "bratty" submissive
comes to know just what is expected of them and what their Dominant's
limits are. It is said by some that the Dominant holds all of
the control, and in some ways he does, Within the bounds of
negotiation. This is a consensual relationship. The dominant
holds control, but only as far as the Submissive is willing
to go. He may push her boundaries for the pleasure of both,
but always respects the Submissives limits. The Submissive can
walk away at anytime, hard as that may be, if the Dominant loses
sight of their needs. to my mind the ultimate "safeword"
is good-bye. It is said by some that the submissive has no responsibilities,
but a deeper observation shows otherwise. Many of the Submissives
responsibilities are so subtle as to be overlooked. a submissive
must please their Dominant, must act as He would wish, as their
every action reflects on their Dominant. A submissive must uphold
the dominants Honor, as well as their own as He must uphold
his Submissives honor and protect his charge.
submissive must have faith and trust in their Dominant, just
as he must prove that this trust is well founded. A submissive
needs the strength of will to know when their Dominant is acting
in the Submissives best interests, and be willing, without embarrassment,
to do as he asks, within their limits. Because that is what
the Dominant wants and what the submissive wishes; to please
him. a submissive should be willing do that which seems difficult
and even embarrassing at the time, not follow blindly, but see
that what their Dominant asks of a submissive is for the pleasure
of them both. At times the Dominant may understand that the
submissive can go farther that they thought, and with the use
of safewords, he is able to take his submissive there. For the
beginning of all relationships it is most important to abide
by the perceived limits, it must be taken slowly. If a safeword
is used and the Dominant does not heed the Submissives perceived
limit, then an important trust is broken. The use of safewords
should be stressed in any new relationship so that the trust
and understanding are able to grow. With time and understanding,
however, the two can reach a point where the Dominant knows
how far the submissive can go physically, emotionally, and spiritually
and the submissive can come to trust the Dominant's decisions.
Even then a Safeword is still an important safety net. It may
be dropped in session, but a worthy Dominant still holds the
value of using safewords in new and uncharted territory, even
in a long standing and trusting relationship. The caring Dominant
knows he cannot read minds, even if he knows His submissive
extremely well.
submissive has a wonderful role to live with the right Dominant.
They will grow emotionally and spiritually into what the submissive
wishes to become, learn to love freely and unconditionally and
find the true power deep within themselves. The Dominant also
becomes the person he feels within his soul, proud to be able
to walk the honorable path of Teacher, Lover, Poet, Warrior,
Guide and Protector. Proud of his charge and the pleasure they
bring each other. Together the two will embark on a journey
that will take them out of the realms and limits of society
and into the timeless dimensions of the Universe
2002 Master Wolf and Wolfhold