My name is Randy Burns and I write, interview, and post pictures for my column "Life as I see It." Any subject, or subject matter that I choose to write about on any website--during any period in my life, will be my decision entirely. It will always be that way, or "Life as I see It" will disappear-as will I. To state this now is my reaction to recent occurrences. Under the same name "Life as I see It," I wrote political/anti-government columns weekly for several web-magazines. I was a featured columnist on all publications, as well as being devoted to the 'cause.' I am still devoted to that cause as well as all freedoms and liberal undertakings that make sense. Weekly, you could find my column on The Greenwich Village Gazette, Viewzone, often featured on Millennium Shift, Comrades and fictive in the U.K., and Dreamforge. Dreamforge, and my friend Rick-the editor, is the only one of that group that stuck by be with my new format, direction, and subject matter. I was surprised, not heart-broken, just surprised I became fed up with politics and our government, when I realized our compassion as a nation would be dealt out and judged by the entire world-from the hands of only one man. Now, I will stop my politics here as I have done elsewhere. I've been covering sexual lifestyles, fetishes, anything at all that goes on between consenting adults. One week will be a Dominatrix, with pictures, the next week will be (Miss Bondage World), the lovely Ashley Renee. Ashley's second interview with me is about ready and will be up soon. Yes, with plenty of new pictires! T-Girl Tawni Bonds is one of my favorites, you'll be reading and seeing more of her. Miss Hannah, at www.xmyheart.com is still consulting and helping closet Tvs, and of course my friend Darla- www.ADarkWhisper.com. Darla, or Dark Whisper, has been one of my most interesting interviews into the D/s lifestyle of a submissive woman. I learned a bit, indeed I did! Lady Artemisia- www.LadyArtemisia.com, will be with us again shortly, and The Erasian Goddess will soon be lighting up this column- www.EurasianGoddess.com. (She is the elegant Goddess smoking). Melanie, at Melanies-tv-zone.com, will be making herself quite visable again in the future, and everything will be coming to you without crap or boring mediocrity. That I promise you. All of my interviews/articles on alternative lifestyles in the New millennium, I've enjoyed immensely. I find everything about it fascinating--and a learning experience for me. I will leave you now with this one warning. Beware of single minded, tunnel-visioned sheep in liberal's clothing. It seems their form of liberalism extends only to the subjects important to them. However, I welcome EVERYONE to "Life as I see It," and I wish you all a most enjoyable experience! Until
next issue, goodnight lovers. ~ |