Under the Three Moons |
holidays are done and a new year is upon us. Unlike Earth years,
Gorean years are usually from one vernal equinox to the next.
This is a celebration of the world's rebirth when the Central
Fire warms the ground and the plants sprout through the melting
year come vernal equinox there will also be a rebirth of my house.
a remote hut, far from the paved avenues of a town or city,
may have a Home Stone, and therein, in the place of his Home
Stone, is the meanest beggar or the poorest peasant a Ubar.
Magicians of Gor - Pages 485 486
will be receiving a new addition that I expect will bring happiness
and harmony to the House of Michael. This addition is a long sought
after second girl. A chain-sister to Mika. This girl has been
known to me for three and a half years and has been close friends
and sister to Mika for even longer.
more than one slave girl stands in a relationship of slave girls,
as when they serve in the same shop or house, or adorn the same
rich man's pleasure gardens, it is common for the master, or
masters, to appoint a "first girl." Her authority
is then to the other girls as is that of the master. This tends
to reduce squabbling. The first girl is usually, though not
always, the favorite of the master. There is usually much competition
to be first girl. First girls can be cruel and petty but commonly,
they attempt to govern with intelligence and justice. They know
that another girl, at the master's whim, may become first girl,
and that they themselves may then be under her almost absolute
Explorers of Gor - Page 77
initially starting the search for a girl that may fill this position
there have been questions about why would a girl wish to come
to a house and be second girl. Especially when the house is busy
with many children to care for. Because this column was designed
to help non-Goreans understand the Gorean ways better, I asked
my new girl the following questions and have added her original
responses without changing text.
would a girl from the great white north, pack up her children
and move 1900 miles to a Gorean house in the desert? What does
she feel will be there for her? What is different about this house
then others she knows?
For a very long time I didn't feel I belonged anywhere. I felt
like I was in someone else's body. I was yearning and striving
for something and I didn't know what. I was always with weak men
and it always seemed to sicken me, I was feeling unsatisfied in
life. Then I found Gor and knew deep down what my answers in life
were, I was going to be whole again. To keep this short, I pursued
the lifestyle, but only seemed to find the gamers and abusers
of the lifestyle. After a while I started questioning myself about
my slavery.
I found online
Gor and then came to meet Mika. We grew close very fast and she
turned out to be my very best friend, my confidant, my angel, and
best of all, my savior. We were soon known as the matching bookends,
she was the evil bookend and I was the rotten bookend. She filled
a missing void in me and I believe I did for her as well. I was
so happy when she met Master Michael, she was so utterly happy,
more than I have ever seen her. She seemed for once in her entire
life, whole. That told me right there, that Master Michael was a
very special man. To be able to do that for Mika, knowing what she
has had to endure in her past, one would have to be VERY special.
then met a man that I grew to love very much, that I would drop
to me knees for. He also turned out to be a gamer, in a very evil
way. He put me in financial ruin and crushed me badly. I didn't
think I was anyone anymore. I lost everything and not just in a
material sense, I lost all of me or so I felt. He had in the meantime
cut me off from the outside world. I was not allowed to stay in
touch with Mika or anyone else. This was before I found out he was
a gamer, so I listened. It is evident now why he felt he had to
isolate me. The reason is that Mika would have woken me up from
that nightmare and he didn't want that.
he was gone, I was in ruin and had no one. I picked myself up and
decided to straighten myself out. Browsing the net one-day I checked
a forum I used to read and post on. I saw a message on there from
Mika saying she would like to get in touch with those she had lost
touch with. I posted a message right away telling her I was here
basically. I checked back all the time but no reply. Then I was
searching online and came across a webzine. I was reading it and
saw on the front page, Master Michael's picture! I was in shock,
so I read the article. Found out about the 3 moons group and went
there. I posted a message to Mika and she replied!!!!!!! Oh my gawddddd,
I didn't think I would ever find her. I was beside myself.
talked after that and she knew I wasn't feeling my slavery anymore.
I didn't think any man could ever make me tremble or shake on my
knees. UNTIL Master Michael spoke to me, I trembled and damn I knew.
I knew it was still there. And Mika wouldn't let me forget it either
(laughing about it even now).
I found out
Master Michael was seeking a second girl and I thought about it
but said nothing. In the meantime, it seems, Master Michael and
Mika were discussing it. Mika brought it up to me and we talked
about it, all three of us. I knew deep down in my heart, that
is where I wanted to be. Of course being as stone skinned as I
was at that time, I tried to find arguments inside of me that
just didn't exist as to why I shouldn't go. Mika and I are so
close, we are the strength for each other's weaknesses, we compliment
each other well in all we do. Much like the ying to my yang phenomenon.
We would be perfect on a chain together, and be quite a handful
to the Master. So, I agreed to go. We have started making plans.
I have had to undergo some medical treatments, and after I get
the go ahead, I will be off.
guess I could address the children as well. I have two boys, almost
teens. I truly believe they should have a strong male influence
in their lives. In believing that men should be strong, I wish for
them to have a Gorean influence in their lives.
Master Michael could do that for someone as hurt and gun-shy as
Mika, I just knew he was a real Master, a real Gorean man. A Gorean
man that I would be proud to kneel before and serve. He re-ignited
my slavery and that's what makes me want to be a part of his house.
I know that's where I belong. My slavery, my life is there. Realism
and truth thrive there, which seem to be an oddity anymore.
as to what is different from Master Michael's house to others
I have seen. As I said before, Master Michael's house is built
on realism and truth, a rarity anymore. It's not only built
on realism and truth, it's built on love, honesty, patience,
and understanding. No cruelty, no games, no lies. I think anyone
offering all of that runs a real Gorean house.
I guess all
I can say, is this. I am going there to be whole again, to serve
in a chain right beside my wonderful sister, to give myself wholly
to Master Michael. My life will be there waiting for me, in a
real Gorean house, beside a real Gorean kajira, and before a real
Gorean Master to whom I have utmost respect for.
"I will give you a new name." She nodded, miserably.
Her old name, her old identity, had been taken from her forever…..
When asked who she was, it was with that name that she would
answer. That was who she was. Then that name was taken from
her. She was only an animal in bondage. Her name might be changed,
or altered, as often as a Master wished. Indeed, he need not
even give her a name. Changing a girl's name, or taking it away,
are common modes of Gorean slave discipline."
Hunters of Gor - Page 225
To Mika, I asked a different set of questions. Because after all,
she was not the one that would be moving and coming to a home
that was new to her and her children (this time). Mika would be
the one upon which this interloper would encroach. Below are the
questions placed to her to provide you the reader some insight
to the mind and heart of a kajira.
on earth would possess an intelligent woman to "permit"
a man to have another woman when she could have him all to herself?
Why on earth would a strong woman accept, in fact welcome another
female into her home, to share her life, her love, her man, her
home? Why would a strong relationship seek "outside"
of their happy home for a different partner?
many of you who read this article know, Master and I just celebrated
forty-two months of me in his collar. With the exception a very
short time when my chain sister was in collar, I have been exclusive
with Master. And now, there will be another woman in his life.
Am I crazy? No. Am I worried? Yes. Will it change our lives?
Absolutely. But I welcome the changes it will bring.
years ago, I stumbled into this place called PowWow. And within
that chat realm I came across this "tavern" called
Ko-ro-ba. It was there that I begin learning about Gor, about
me, and realizing that I was not the only woman in the whole
world who thought that men should be the head of the household,
the dominant, strong force in a woman's life. I found there
many women who felt that subservience had made them whole. Never
had they felt more free, than in the chains of men. There too,
I found Jynx. Oh my heavens she was something. Such a handful
such a mouth and I loved her instantly. It wasn't long until
she and I were spending hours talking about things of all kinds,
yes virtual tavern stuff, but more than that, what was going
on in our lives, in our real lives outside of the tavern. I
found out she had two boys and she rubbed off on me something
terrible as I did her. Eh jynx? And before too long we spent
hours on the phone, crying and laughing and just being silly.
I had made an attachment to a person I have never laid eyes
on, never saw face to face. Yet, I knew then as I know now,
she is a very real part of me. She is the other half that makes
bookends work.
became so inseparable, that everyone knew if one was around
so was the other or the one certainly knew where the other was
an when she would return. We became a side show of sorts, people
were amazed that 1900 miles could separate people who were as
close as she and I. Heck, some even thought we were really sisters,
flesh and blood. We were very serious kajira, yet always had
each other and everyone around us in stitches. We had a good
time, we played off each other, fed off of each other.
because we were so close, we could say to each other, things
no one else would dare, or could get away with. We could open
the eyes of the darkest denial in each other. And were always
there for each other to pick up the little chipped pieces of
life, left strewn around by an act or spiteful word or unkind
gestures of another.
glue, bound us in ways, even people that share DNA do not feel,
despite the miles that separated us. There was a closeness no
time-zones, international borders or closing chat sites could
separate. Until…….
disappeared. I had not clue why, other than to know in my heart
that the man who came to live with her was behind it. It was
intimidated by the closeness we shared. I had always had terrible
"vibes" about him and he knew this. I had helped my
sister to discover some things about him he had long tried to
hide. Perhaps he knew, as he began to play his games on her,
that if anyone would make her look behind the curtain, it was
me. I was hurt when she just vanished. Part of me had been ripped
away. My confidant, my friend, my sister who knew me so well……..gone.
And to this day I will never forgive the man who forced her
to be gone.
I moved, I changed phone numbers, jobs, addresses, everything about
me changed except…I was still mika the kajira of Michael. Thank
heavens that was true or we might not have found each other again.
and I had been talking to another girl about the possibility of
her becoming the second girl in his house. She and I hit it off
well. Ahhhhhh the amazing ties that bind around Dairy Queen and
Peanut Buster Parfaits. And we had started planning for a visit
after the first of the year. It became clear, that this was not
going to work through some different chain of events. One night
Master had decided that we would have to have some serious reconsideration.The
very next morning I woke up to see a post on the Life Under the
3 Moons group.
said mika, it is me kascia (etc) I looked at it a long time. I doubted,
I told Master it was a sick joke someone wanted to hurt me. It could
not be my sister. She had been gone too long. Master went to work,
I opened my mail and there was a message from this person. It was
my sister, she knew I would doubt her words, so she sent to me a
message only she could know….It was her!! I was angry! Gawd I was
angry. Why the hell had she just disappeared. You don't do that
to someone you love, you care about, you share all kinds of things
with. Dammit! Why had she gone.
anger quickly turned to thankfulness that she hunted and searched
and found me. That night, I was on the phone with my sister again.
Yea we caught up, but it felt like we never lost touch. We picked
up right where we left off, laughing, joking and teasing about the
same old stuff, new stuff…..and there she was… other missing
part of the bookends. Oh yea, I told her she had one coming from
me for making me miss her so much! But, there she was, my friend,
my sister.
it coincidence that she had found me the day she did? Was it
coincidence that she just "happened" upon Dom-sub
Lifestyle E-zine the same day Master and I had decided to rethink
the second girl thing? Was it coincidence? I am a strong believe
in the fates, of things happen when they happen for a reason….And
there she was, right there again. This time, I was determined
that I would not losing her again. I begged Master to consider,
and He was telling me he had been thinking….of her as second
girl. It is amazing how we have grown to think much alike. Master
knows how much I have missed the little imp and how much she
kept me sane in a time when I could have easily lost it all.
And how much I hated that idiot she lived with for making me
lose her. Master knows better than any, how lost I was when
she just vanished. How much easier it would be for him to put
two girls who already adored each other on the same chain, in
the same house, under the same roof? (Or at least that is what
he thinks! He has not had the two of us together yet!)
told me of something going on in her life that needed to be
handled, dealt with and fixed. She is working on that now. We
are here for her, even 1900 miles away. Every day I am here
for her. Every early morning, and evening Master is here for
her as well. We "speak" every day, we talk on the
phone, email, messenger….and she will be here soon! Her boys
get on the messenger to keep me posted that she is doing ok,
every hour on the hour…..She wakes up to look at her messenger
to find me cuddling her, while she sleeps, through the pain
the treatments cause if only in my thoughts. She knows that
no matter how sick she is from her treatments….we are here to
advise, to help, to push her to the next treatment, to just
give her an ear….she knows…
I crazy? I have been monogamous with Master for three and a
half years and I am just going to let some woman move into my
house? Sleep with my Master? Take part of him from me? No, not
at all.
am crazy for not insisting two years ago that she leave that
idiot and look deeper and coming to live with me. Wait a minute
I think I did that! (laughing)
some woman move into my house? Well, see, this is not my house,
it is Master's house but it is my home. And my home, is where
I am safe, secure and loved. And the only thing that will change
about that, is there will be more to love me, and more for me
to love. And as far as my safety, heaven help one who would
try to harm me or her, cause all that Master would have left
to do is shovel up the mess.
with my Master? Absolutely! After the years of patience and
guidance he has given me, I want my sister to experience it.
I want her to feel the love that can be in a D/s relationship,
not just the abuse. That there is a healthy relationship that
can and should be had in this lifestyle, not just the ones that
want to take you for everything and send you down the road when
you get sick, or have run out of whatever it is they were after.
Master is a strong man, an excellent guide and I want her to
know the wonderful, beautiful, freeing side a Master can bring
to a slave. Not to mention I have been assured that I will still
"get mine".
part of him from me? That cannot be. What Master sees in me,
he will always see in me. What Master gets from me, he will
always get from me. Where I am a little weak, my sister is strong,
and what I hate, she does not mind, what I love she hates so
we should do a wonderful balance and check for each other. Will
Master ever stop loving me? Not because a new girl moves into
his home. Will I lose part of him? I don't think so, I think
I will be gaining a part of him I have never been able to see,
and will be too gaining my sister, at my side near where I can
love her, take care of her and knock some sense into her every
now and then!
what is in it for me? I get to have my closest friend who currently
lives the furthest away from me, right at my side. I get to
watch her grow and discover that burn deep within all over again.
I have someone right here to do the 'girl stuff' with that Master
just hates. I have another woman to share with, I mean sometimes
there are "girl things" that maybe a man just does
not understand (like cramps) not only do you maybe not want
to burden a Master with it, but it is easier for a sister to
say "oh yea I feel like that try this, it works for me."
And those times, where you just don't feel like…….hopefully
she will and when she does not feel like (insert whatever here)
hopefully I will. And yes, I will be gaining help with raising
the children, and shopping, and running errands, and….but she
will too. We will all three be there for each other to lend
a hand, support and encourage each other through all of the
things we do together and she currently does alone.
I will gain the most treasured thing of all. Peace of mind that
she is well, being treated well, and not with some idiot who
is just going to take. I will have a happy Master (even if we
are more than he can stand to handle sometimes). And I will
have three more people close to me, to love.
Yes I am sure there will be some. I am human, she is human but with
the common goal of a happy and trusting environment for Master and
our children we will work though it. How? One word~ C O M M U N
I C A T I O N!!!!! I
am sure that there will be days when Master says here is money girls
get the hell out go to a movie anything just goooooooooooooooooooo!
And then we will have each other to do that with. Poor Master, he
will indeed have his hands full! I have asked Master if he is sure
he knows what he is getting into…..There is after all, a reason
we are called the rotten and evil bookends. And he is about to find
out first hand.
the past three years, I have written articles like this one to
inform the non-gorean and Gorean alike how I bring Gor to my home.
How I and my kajira, touch a little bit of the so called fictional
planet each and every day. How we manage to live a lifestyle so
controversial without harm, deception or degradation to our family
unit. In our lifestyle we do not load up our "bag" once
a week and head off to the local dungeon. In fact it is very rare
that we attend public forums of that nature at all. Choosing instead
to stay in with a couple of close friends or at home on the whole.
I have shared with you many personal things. How I met mika, and
the details of that meeting. As well as, the various monthly anniversaries
of that meeting.
slave girl is a delight to a man; she is extremely prized and
precious; that the day of her acquisition should be celebrated
each month with special ceremonies and rites is not surprising.
These numerous anniversaries are deliciously celebrated, as
they may be with a girl who is only a slave, and seldom forgotten;
should such an anniversary be forgotten, should it be such that
it is commonly celebrated, the girl redoubles her efforts to
please, fearing she is to be soon sold.
Slave Girl of Gor - Page 66
I shared an almost religious day that being the day she was branded
and reconfirmed as my kajira.
customary brand site, incidentally, is high on the left thigh.
That is the site almost invariably utilized in marking Gorean
Fighting Slave of Gor - Page 349
I felt
her left thigh. Most girls are branded on the left thigh.
Perhaps this is because most Masters are right-handed. The
brand, then, as one controls the slave, may be easily caressed.
Fighting Slave of Gor - Page 312
have shared gatherings in my home where we celebrated in a Gorean
share the kettle of a friend," I said, "is to dine with
a Ubar."
Blood Brothers of Gor - Page 349
And now with this article I am sharing another milestone of a
personal nature, that being the addition of a second girl to my
house. During the past three years, my intent has not been to
tell you how things should be, but rather how things are in my
home. I have never intended to stand upon a soap box and preach
the "Gorean way or no way". I hope for some these articles
have been informative, entertaining and enlightening. I know for
some, they have been a source of ridicule, belittlement and finger
pointing. These things I know from the various emails I have received,
as well as the posts that can be found on various groups pertaining
to my articles.
Do not ask the stones or the trees how to live, they can
not tell you; they do not have tongues, do not ask the wise
man how to live for, if he knows, he will know he cannot tell
you; if you would learn how to live, do not ask the question,
its answer is not in the question but in the answer, which is
not in words; do not ask how to live, but, instead, proceed
to do so.
Marauders of Gor - Page 9
those who can climb mountains climb them; let those who cannot
climb them console themselves with denying their existence.
Rogue of Gor - Page 19
With the addition of a second girl to my house and the obvious
changes and modifications that will be required, I regret to inform
all of the readers of this column that this is the last one I
will be submitting. My attention will need to be focused on the
healing, and discovery of my newest girl while keeping my current
kajira, happy, and well at the same time.
Yahoo group
will remain alive and well and I believe a great source for real
time lifestyle Gorean Information. The chat discussions we have
through that group, will remain, increase in frequency and be
available to the members of the Yahoo group. I will be happy to
answer any questions pertaining to lifestyle Gor that are pertinent
to the exploration and discovery of the Gorean way of life, but
will continue to ignore or disregard any emails that wish only
to enflame.
As always I can be reached at
(and my second girl who's name I have not yet revealed to her,
but have chosen
~winks~ still keeping her in suspense.)