in the mirror, Intent (1): (In-tent'). N. 1. The act or fact of intending as to do something: criminal intent. Etc… Intent (2): (In-tent'). Adj. 1. Firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes, mind, etc. 2. Having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something. 3. Determined; having the mind or willing fixed on some purpose or goal. 4. Earnest; Intense.
Greetings, I am still riding a wave of intense euphoria and
introspection as of late. My clan and myself just completed
a Buchmann's APEX Academy weekend recently that dealt with
Master/Slave issues, BDSM and many points in between. I went
into this very well organized and finely presented seminar
as almost anyone does when they enter into an arena of what
they feel is known territory, with a bag of salt and hopefully
an open mind that will see what tidbits one can find. I will
not spoil it for those who have never been to one of Master
Steve's seminars and for those who have I need not say more.
I meet some very wonderful people who I had thought I had
known before, before I realized that I had been looking through
a mirror of my own making (my term to describe and come to
gripes with my own epiphany). But
I will share with you one of the bigger awakenings within
my worldview and of myself, and that is in my understanding
of the word and meaning of INTENT. In the beginning of this
piece I gave you the shortened version of the word as a noun,
which is where I had lodged it in my own mind, I find that
we in the life use a lot of words as nouns that are really
adjectives: submissive, dominant, even Master, Slave, Bottom
and even Head-space. When
we sit down and negotiate, be it a long drawn out formal process
or just "you ready, good, grab the bag, race you to the
cross!" style, or even the 'grab the back of the hair
and move them where they will be' style. We all come to that
table with some form of intent. For some it is the intent
to play, to fly, to be foreplay, for sex, for healing, for
catharsis, for exploring the inner self, for connecting to
each other on deeper levels, etc. what ever the reason we
do what we do we have expectations and intent. Now expectations
some like to say don't have any, what will be will be, I am
of that bent at times, for too great an expectation lends
to imagined ivory towers that may never appear. Expectations
can lead to bitter disappointments, (unless they are used
in terror play… then they have a powerful use!) But one cannot
realistically expect (note this word) another to have no expectations.
One can though limit the amount of expectations by focusing
more on what the Intent of the scene is to be. Just use the
second meaning of the word as an adjective and not as a noun.
a Top, Dom, Master (noun of your choice, though it is really
the adjective of your actions.) you need to find what is the
true intent of your partner, not always will it be what you
thought it was. If it is just to please you, then by golly
you better be able to understand and be able to convey to
them what pleases you. (Sometimes a difficult question for
some to ask of themselves.) Words
and thoughts have great power, if we say we will do something,
most of the time we will, if we say we may do something, most
of the time we will not. If one enters a scene with the first
meaning of the word intent as a noun (a person, place or thing)
it does not have the same impact as the second meaning as
an adjectival word, your focus is there, your steadfastly
fixed on the goal, not just intending to, you are doing not
just thinking about it. The
other thing about intent is making sure it is clear and focused,
coherent like a laser beam versus a soft white bulb's light.
But in order for this to occur one must make sure that the
focus is not distorted by one's own mirror of what is to occur.
You may have the strongest intent to make your little one
fly away in the throes of multiple orgasmic pleasure, yet
they may have the intent to reach a cathartic breakthrough
against a wall that has been preventing them to reach new
levels with you, or worse yet to be able to reach a point
that they can release enough to have that jelly fish flopping
of multiple orgasmic pleasure. You
may be of the intent to bring them to a breaking point of
total submission and surrender, when in fact they have reached
that point and just wish to please you sadistic pleasures,
oops that could loop and get ugly or not… grin! Just
make sure that when you are ready to play (work) on your partner
that you both have a clear and focused intent, even if it
is the intent to see where the universe is willing to take
you, in other words the intent to not seek a specific goal
but to just be in the moment. (A more difficult challenge
then one might suspect but I have found very few things that
are precious in this life that were not a challenge, and the
greater the challenge usually the greater the reward, karma
has a way of working that way.) Be
well and blessed be! Sans peur
et sans reproche "Credendo